Interface MultipartWriter

  • public interface MultipartWriter
    Use MultipartBodyWriter instead.
    Writes a MIME multipart package as used by XOP/MTOM and SOAP with Attachments. Objects implementing this interface are created using a MultipartWriterFactory. MIME parts are written using writePart(String, String, String) or writePart(DataHandler, String, String). Calls to both methods can be mixed, i.e. it is not required to use the same method for all MIME parts. Instead, the caller should choose the most convenient method for each part (depending on the form in which the content is available). After all parts have been written, complete() must be called to write the final MIME boundary.

    The following semantics are defined for the contentTransferEncoding and contentID arguments of the two write methods:

    • It is the responsibility of the implementation to apply the content transfer encoding as specified by the contentTransferEncoding argument. The caller only provides the unencoded data. The implementation should support at least binary and base64. If it doesn't support the specified encoding, it may use an alternative one. In any case, the implementation must make sure that the MIME part has a Content-Transfer-Encoding header appropriate for the applied encoding.
    • The content ID passed as argument is always the raw ID (without the angle brackets). It is the responsibility of the implementation to properly format the value of the Content-ID header.
    • Method Detail

      • writePart

        OutputStream writePart​(String contentType,
                               String contentTransferEncoding,
                               String contentID)
                        throws IOException
        Start writing a MIME part. The methods returns an OutputStream that the caller can use to write the content of the MIME part. After writing the content, OutputStream.close() must be called to complete the writing of the MIME part.
        contentType - the value of the Content-Type header of the MIME part
        contentTransferEncoding - the content transfer encoding to be used (see above); must not be null
        contentID - the content ID of the MIME part (see above)
        an output stream to write the content of the MIME part
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs when writing to the underlying stream
      • writePart

        OutputStream writePart​(String contentType,
                               String contentTransferEncoding,
                               String contentID,
                               List<org.apache.axiom.mime.Header> extraHeaders)
                        throws IOException
        Start writing a MIME part. The method is similar to writePart(String, String, String) but accepts a list of additional headers for the MIME part.
        contentType - the value of the Content-Type header of the MIME part
        contentTransferEncoding - the content transfer encoding to be used (see above); must not be null
        contentID - the content ID of the MIME part (see above)
        extraHeaders - a list of Header objects with additional headers to write to the MIME part
        an output stream to write the content of the MIME part
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs when writing to the underlying stream
      • writePart

        void writePart​(DataHandler dataHandler,
                       String contentTransferEncoding,
                       String contentID)
                throws IOException
        Write a MIME part. The content is provided by a DataHandler object, which also specifies the content type of the part.
        dataHandler - the content of the MIME part to write
        contentTransferEncoding - the content transfer encoding to be used (see above); must not be null
        contentID - the content ID of the MIME part (see above)
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs when writing the part to the underlying stream
      • writePart

        void writePart​(DataHandler dataHandler,
                       String contentTransferEncoding,
                       String contentID,
                       List<org.apache.axiom.mime.Header> extraHeaders)
                throws IOException
        Write a MIME part. The content is provided by a DataHandler object, which also specifies the content type of the part. The method is similar to writePart(DataHandler, String, String) but accepts a list of additional headers for the MIME part.
        dataHandler - the content of the MIME part to write
        contentTransferEncoding - the content transfer encoding to be used (see above); must not be null
        contentID - the content ID of the MIME part (see above)
        extraHeaders - a list of Header objects with additional headers to write to the MIME part
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs when writing the part to the underlying stream
      • complete

        void complete()
               throws IOException
        Complete writing of the MIME multipart package. This method does not close the underlying stream.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs when writing to the underlying stream