Class WSSecSignature

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class WSSecSignature
    extends WSSecSignatureBase
    Creates a Signature according to WS Specification, X509 profile. This class is a re-factored implementation of the previous WSS4J class WSSignEnvelope. This new class allows better control of the process to create a Signature and to add it to the Security header. The flexibility and fine granular control is required to implement a handler that uses WSSecurityPolicy files to control the setup of a Security header.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WSSecSignature

        public WSSecSignature​(WSSecHeader securityHeader)
      • WSSecSignature

        public WSSecSignature​(Document doc)
    • Method Detail

      • prepare

        public void prepare​(Crypto cr)
                     throws WSSecurityException
        Initialize a WSSec Signature. The method sets up and initializes a WSSec Signature structure after the relevant information was set. After setup of the references to elements to sign may be added. After all references are added they can be signed. This method does not add the Signature element to the security header. See prependSignatureElementToHeader() method.
        cr - An instance of the Crypto API to handle keystore and certificates
      • build

        public Document build​(Crypto cr)
                       throws WSSecurityException
        Builds a signed soap envelope. This is a convenience method and for backward compatibility. The method creates a Signature and puts it into the Security header. It does so by calling the single functions in order to perform a one shot signature.
        cr - An instance of the Crypto API to handle keystore and certificates
        A signed SOAP envelope as Document
      • getSignatureElement

        public Element getSignatureElement()
        Returns the SignatureElement. The method can be called any time after prepare().
        The DOM Element of the signature.
      • prependBSTElementToHeader

        public void prependBSTElementToHeader()
        Prepend the BinarySecurityToken to the elements already in the Security header. The method can be called any time after prepare(). This allows to insert the BST element at any position in the Security header.
      • appendBSTElementToHeader

        public void appendBSTElementToHeader()
        Append the BinarySecurityToken to the security header.
      • computeSignature

        public void computeSignature​(List<Reference> referenceList)
                              throws WSSecurityException
        Compute the Signature over the references. The signature element will be prepended to the security header. This method can be called any time after the references were set. See addReferencesToSign().
        referenceList - The list of references to sign
      • computeSignature

        public void computeSignature​(List<Reference> referenceList,
                                     boolean prepend,
                                     Element siblingElement)
                              throws WSSecurityException
        Compute the Signature over the references. This method can be called any time after the references were set. See addReferencesToSign().
        referenceList - The list of references to sign
        prepend - Whether to prepend the signature element to the security header
        siblingElement - If prepending, then prepend before this sibling Element
      • setUseSingleCertificate

        public void setUseSingleCertificate​(boolean useSingleCert)
        Set the single cert flag.
        useSingleCert -
      • isUseSingleCertificate

        public boolean isUseSingleCertificate()
        Get the single cert flag.
        A boolean if single certificate is set.
      • setSignatureAlgorithm

        public void setSignatureAlgorithm​(String algo)
        Set the name (uri) of the signature encryption algorithm to use. If the algorithm is not set then an automatic detection of the signature algorithm to use is performed during the prepare() method. Refer to WSConstants which algorithms are supported.
        algo - the name of the signature algorithm
        See Also:
        WSS4JConstants.RSA, WSS4JConstants.DSA
      • getSignatureAlgorithm

        public String getSignatureAlgorithm()
        Get the name (uri) of the signature algorithm that is being used. Call this method after prepare to get the information which signature algorithm was automatically detected if no signature algorithm was preset.
        the identifier URI of the signature algorithm
      • getSigCanonicalization

        public String getSigCanonicalization()
        Get the canonicalization method. If the canonicalization method was not set then Exclusive XML Canonicalization is used by default.
        The string describing the canonicalization algorithm.
      • getDigestAlgo

        public String getDigestAlgo()
        the digest algorithm to use
      • setDigestAlgo

        public void setDigestAlgo​(String digestAlgo)
        Set the string that defines which digest algorithm to use. The default is WSConstants.SHA1.
        digestAlgo - the digestAlgo to set
      • getSignatureValue

        public byte[] getSignatureValue()
        Returns the computed Signature value. Call this method after computeSignature() or build() methods were called.
        Returns the signatureValue.
      • getId

        public String getId()
        Get the id generated during prepare(). Returns the the value of wsu:Id attribute of the Signature element.
        Return the wsu:Id of this token or null if prepare() was not called before.
      • getBSTTokenId

        public String getBSTTokenId()
        Get the id of the BST generated during prepare().
        Returns the the value of wsu:Id attribute of the BinaruSecurityToken element.
      • setSecretKey

        public void setSecretKey​(byte[] secretKey)
        Set the secret key to use
        secretKey - the secret key to use
      • setCustomTokenValueType

        public void setCustomTokenValueType​(String customTokenValueType)
        Set the custom token value type to use
        customTokenValueType - the custom token value type to use
      • setCustomTokenId

        public void setCustomTokenId​(String customTokenId)
        Set the custom token id
        customTokenId - the custom token id
      • getCustomTokenId

        public String getCustomTokenId()
      • setEncrKeySha1value

        public void setEncrKeySha1value​(String encrKeySha1value)
        Set the encrypted key sha1 value
        encrKeySha1value - the encrypted key sha1 value
      • setX509Certificate

        public void setX509Certificate​(X509Certificate cer)
        Set the X509 Certificate to use
        cer - the X509 Certificate to use
      • getBinarySecurityTokenElement

        public Element getBinarySecurityTokenElement()
        Returns the BST Token element. The method can be called any time after prepare().
        the BST Token element
      • getSecurityTokenReferenceURI

        public String getSecurityTokenReferenceURI()
        the URI associated with the SecurityTokenReference (must be called after #prepare(Document, Crypto)
      • getSecurityTokenReference

        public SecurityTokenReference getSecurityTokenReference()
        Get the SecurityTokenReference to be used in the KeyInfo element.
      • setSecurityTokenReference

        public void setSecurityTokenReference​(SecurityTokenReference secRef)
        Set the SecurityTokenReference to be used in the KeyInfo element. If this method is not called, a SecurityTokenRefence will be generated.
      • isIncludeSignatureToken

        public boolean isIncludeSignatureToken()
      • setIncludeSignatureToken

        public void setIncludeSignatureToken​(boolean includeSignatureToken)
      • isAddInclusivePrefixes

        public boolean isAddInclusivePrefixes()
      • setAddInclusivePrefixes

        public void setAddInclusivePrefixes​(boolean addInclusivePrefixes)
      • setCustomKeyInfoElement

        public void setCustomKeyInfoElement​(Element keyInfoElement)
      • getCustomKeyInfoElement

        public Element getCustomKeyInfoElement()
      • getSignatureProvider

        public Provider getSignatureProvider()
      • setSignatureProvider

        public void setSignatureProvider​(Provider signatureProvider)
      • getKeyInfoUri

        public String getKeyInfoUri()