Class ContentType

  • public final class ContentType
    extends Object
    Represents the (parsed) value of a Content-Type header as defined by RFC 2045.

    The relevant productions from RFC 2045 and RFC 822 are:

     content := "Content-Type" ":" type "/" subtype *(";" parameter)
     parameter := attribute "=" value
     attribute := token
     value := token / quoted-string
     token := 1*<any (US-ASCII) CHAR except SPACE, CTLs, or tspecials>
     tspecials := "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / "@" / "," / ";" / ":" / "\" / <"> / "/" / "[" / "]" / "?" / "="
     quoted-string := <"> *(qtext/quoted-pair) <">
     qtext := <any CHAR excepting <">, "\" & CR, and including linear-white-space>
     quoted-pair := "\" CHAR

    This class is similar to MimeType and JavaMail's ContentType class, but the following differences exist:

    • This class is more lenient than (certain implementations of) MimeType. It will accept content types that are not strictly valid, but that are commonly found. E.g. it will accept content types with an extra semicolon at the end.
    • This class is immutable.
    • This class makes a distinction between a media type (which is defined by a primary type and a sub type and represented by a MediaType object) and a content type, which is defined by a media type and a set of parameters.

    Another reason for the existence of this class is to avoid a dependency on JavaMail.

    Note that this class doesn't override Object.equals(Object) because there is no meaningful way to compare content types with parameters.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ContentType

        public ContentType​(MediaType mediaType,
                           String... parameters)
        mediaType - the media type
        parameters - the parameters as name/value pairs (with even entries representing the parameter names, and odd entries the corresponding values)
      • ContentType

        public ContentType​(String type)
                    throws ParseException
        Constructor that parses a Content-Type header value.
        type - the value of the Content-Type header conforming to RFC 2045
        ParseException - if the value is invalid and could not be parsed
    • Method Detail

      • builder

        public static ContentType.Builder builder()
        Get a new builder instance.
        the builder
      • toBuilder

        public ContentType.Builder toBuilder()
        Get a new builder initialized with the media type and parameters from this instance.
        the builder
      • getMediaType

        public MediaType getMediaType()
        Get the media type this content type refers to.
        the media type
      • getParameter

        public String getParameter​(String name)
        Get the specified parameter value.
        name - the parameter name
        the parameter value, or null if no parameter with the given name was found
      • isTextual

        public boolean isTextual()
        Check if the content type is textual, i.e. if an entity with this content type should be human readable. This information may be used to select a content transfer encoding.
        whether the content type is textual
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Create a string representation of this content type suitable as the value for a Content-Type header as specified by RFC 2045. Note that this method serializes all parameter values as quoted strings, even values that could be represented as tokens. This is compatible with R1109 in WS-I Basic Profile 1.2 and 2.0.
        toString in class Object
        the string representation of this content type