Development of Woden will proceed according to the following milestone plan.
All dates should be taken as approximate and subject to change.
Updated Feb 6th: Finishing off some API Javadoc. Expect to start the release vote today or tomorrow.
Updated Jan 26th: The M7 release date has been delayed from Jan 29th by 1 week and two of the release defining JIRAs have been deferred until the release following M7 (WODEN-47 and WODEN-56).
The release-defining criteria for M7 are:
While complete WSDL validation (i.e. support for all assertions in the WSDL 2.0 spec and the Validation test cases in the WSDL 2.0 Test Suite) is a major objective of the Woden project, it is not a mandatory criteria for the M7 release. However, it is high priority post-M7.
See the Woden JIRAs marked with Version M7 for a list of outstanding function planned for M7. Of those, the release-defining JIRAs for M7 (those that are "must-do") are:
The M7a release is an incremental release of M7 which delivers an essential fix. Namely, the change of the WSDL 2.0 namespaces from the CR format "*" to the shortened format "*". The W3C WSDL 2.0 test suite has been updated to use this new namespace format and as with the M7 release, M7a is still 100% compliant with the Component Model test suite (ie. the 'good' WSDL documents).
The new features included in this release are described in these Woden JIRAs:
The M7b release is a further incremental release of M7 which includes some minor corrections to accomodate late changes to the WSDL 2.0 spec and a number of fixes, including Woden's use of WS-Commons XmlSchema.
The new features included in this release are described in these Woden JIRAs:
Also included is a fix to DOMWSDLReader to set base URI before calling XmlSchema.
The M8 release will complete Woden's compliance with the W3C WSDL 2.0 Recommendation. The M7 release completed spec-compliance for valid WSDL documents. M8 will complete spec-compliance for invalid WSDL by supporting all of the validation assertions defined by the Recommendation.
The release-defining criteria for M8 are:
See the Woden JIRAs to be fixed for Version M8 for the remaining function planned for M8.
The JIRAs considered part of the release-defining criteria are:
The 1.0 release of Woden will support DOM parsing and validation of WSDL 2.0 documents. The main objective of this release will be to deliver a stable Woden API. That is, a committed API for future releases. User feedback from the milestone releases so far has resulted in ongoing improvements to the Woden API. Further work will be required for the 1.0 release to agree the final API. Some API review issues have already been caputured on the Woden wiki.