Uses of Class

Packages that use SAXException

Uses of SAXException in org.apache.xmlrpc

Methods in org.apache.xmlrpc that throw SAXException
 void XmlRpc.characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
          Method called by SAX driver.
 void XmlRpc.endElement(java.lang.String name)
          Method called by SAX driver.
 void XmlRpc.error(SAXParseException e)
 void XmlRpc.fatalError(SAXParseException e)
 void XmlRpc.startElement(java.lang.String name, AttributeList atts)
          Method called by SAX driver.
 void XmlRpcClientResponseProcessor.startElement(java.lang.String name, AttributeList atts)
          Overrides method in XmlRpc to handle fault repsonses.

Uses of SAXException in org.apache.xmlrpc.applet

Methods in org.apache.xmlrpc.applet that throw SAXException
 void XmlRpcSupport.characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
          Method called by SAX driver.
 void XmlRpcSupport.endElement(java.lang.String name)
          Method called by SAX driver.
 void XmlRpcSupport.error(SAXParseException e)
 void XmlRpcSupport.fatalError(SAXParseException e)
 void XmlRpcSupport.startElement(java.lang.String name, AttributeList atts)
          Method called by SAX driver.

Uses of SAXException in org.xml.sax

Subclasses of SAXException in org.xml.sax
 class SAXParseException
          Encapsulate an XML parse error or warning.

Methods in org.xml.sax that throw SAXException
 void DocumentHandler.characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
          Receive notification of character data.
 void HandlerBase.characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
          Receive notification of character data inside an element.
 void DocumentHandler.endDocument()
          Receive notification of the end of a document.
 void HandlerBase.endDocument()
          Receive notification of the end of the document.
 void DocumentHandler.endElement(java.lang.String name)
          Receive notification of the end of an element.
 void HandlerBase.endElement(java.lang.String name)
          Receive notification of the end of an element.
 void ErrorHandler.error(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a recoverable error.
 void HandlerBase.error(SAXParseException e)
          Receive notification of a recoverable parser error.
 void ErrorHandler.fatalError(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a non-recoverable error.
 void HandlerBase.fatalError(SAXParseException e)
          Report a fatal XML parsing error.
 void DocumentHandler.ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length)
          Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content.
 void HandlerBase.ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length)
          Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content.
 void DTDHandler.notationDecl(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String publicId, java.lang.String systemId)
          Receive notification of a notation declaration event.
 void Parser.parse(InputSource source)
          Parse an XML document.
 void Parser.parse(java.lang.String systemId)
          Parse an XML document from a system identifier (URI).
 void DocumentHandler.processingInstruction(java.lang.String target, java.lang.String data)
          Receive notification of a processing instruction.
 void HandlerBase.processingInstruction(java.lang.String target, java.lang.String data)
          Receive notification of a processing instruction.
 InputSource HandlerBase.resolveEntity(java.lang.String publicId, java.lang.String systemId)
          Resolve an external entity.
 InputSource EntityResolver.resolveEntity(java.lang.String publicId, java.lang.String systemId)
          Allow the application to resolve external entities.
 void Parser.setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
          Allow an application to request a locale for errors and warnings.
 void DocumentHandler.startDocument()
          Receive notification of the beginning of a document.
 void HandlerBase.startDocument()
          Receive notification of the beginning of the document.
 void DocumentHandler.startElement(java.lang.String name, AttributeList atts)
          Receive notification of the beginning of an element.
 void HandlerBase.startElement(java.lang.String name, AttributeList attributes)
          Receive notification of the start of an element.
 void DTDHandler.unparsedEntityDecl(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String publicId, java.lang.String systemId, java.lang.String notationName)
          Receive notification of an unparsed entity declaration event.
 void ErrorHandler.warning(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a warning.
 void HandlerBase.warning(SAXParseException e)
          Receive notification of a parser warning.

Uses of SAXException in

Methods in that throw SAXException
 void MinML.characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
 void MinML.endDocument()
 void MinML.endElement(java.lang.String name)
 void MinML.error(SAXParseException e)
 void MinML.fatalError(SAXParseException e)
 void MinML.ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length)
 void MinML.parse(InputSource source)
 void MinML.parse( in)
 void MinML.parse(java.lang.String systemId)
 void MinML.processingInstruction(java.lang.String target, java.lang.String data)
 void MinML.setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
 void MinML.startDocument()
    MinML.startDocument( writer)
 void MinML.startElement(java.lang.String name, AttributeList attributes)
    MinML.startElement(java.lang.String name, AttributeList attributes, writer)
 void MinML.warning(SAXParseException e)

Uses of SAXException in

Methods in that throw SAXException DocumentHandler.startDocument( writer)
    DocumentHandler.startElement(java.lang.String name, AttributeList attributes, writer)

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