Interface SOAPHeader

    • Method Detail

      • addHeaderBlock

        SOAPHeaderBlock addHeaderBlock​(String localName,
                                       OMNamespace ns)
                                throws OMException
        Creates a new SOAPHeaderBlock object initialized with the specified name and adds it to this SOAPHeader object.
        localName - the local name of the header block
        ns - the namespace of the header block; must not be null and must specify a non empty namespace URI
        the new SOAPHeaderBlock object that was inserted into this SOAPHeader object
        OMException - if an error occurs, e.g. if no namespace was specified
      • getHeadersToProcess

        Iterator<SOAPHeaderBlock> getHeadersToProcess​(RolePlayer rolePlayer)
        Get the appropriate set of headers for a RolePlayer.

        The RolePlayer indicates whether it is the ultimate destination (in which case headers with no role or the explicit UltimateDestination role will be included), and any non-standard roles it supports. Headers targeted to "next" will always be included, and those targeted to "none" (for SOAP 1.2) will never be included.

        rolePlayer - the RolePlayer object specifying the role configuration
        an iterator over all the SOAPHeaderBlock objects the RolePlayer should process
      • examineHeaderBlocks

        Iterator<SOAPHeaderBlock> examineHeaderBlocks​(String role)
        Returns a list of all the SOAPHeaderBlock objects in this SOAPHeader object that have the the specified role. An role is a global attribute that indicates the intermediate parties to whom the message should be sent. A role receives the message and then sends it to the next role. The default role is the ultimate intended recipient for the message, so if no role attribute is included in a SOAPHeaderBlock object, the message is sent to its ultimate destination.
        role - the URI of the role for which to search
        an iterator over all the SOAPHeaderBlock objects that contain the specified role
        See Also:
      • extractHeaderBlocks

        Iterator<SOAPHeaderBlock> extractHeaderBlocks​(String role)
        Returns a list of all the SOAPHeaderBlock objects in this SOAPHeader object that have the the specified role and detaches them from this SOAPHeader object.

        This method allows an role to process only the parts of the SOAPHeader object that apply to it and to remove them before passing the message on to the next role.

        role - the URI of the role for which to search
        an iterator over all the SOAPHeaderBlock objects that contain the specified role
        See Also:
      • examineMustUnderstandHeaderBlocks

        Iterator<SOAPHeaderBlock> examineMustUnderstandHeaderBlocks​(String role)
        Returns an iterator over all the SOAPHeaderBlock objects in this SOAPHeader object that have the specified role and that have a MustUnderstand attribute whose value is equivalent to true.
        role - the URI of the role for which to search
        an iterator over all the SOAPHeaderBlock objects that contain the specified role and are marked as MustUnderstand.
      • getHeadersToProcess

        Iterator<SOAPHeaderBlock> getHeadersToProcess​(RolePlayer rolePlayer,
                                                      String namespace)
        Get the appropriate set of headers for a RolePlayer and a particular namespace.

        The RolePlayer indicates whether it is the ultimate destination (in which case headers with no role or the explicit UltimateDestination role will be included), and any non-standard roles it supports. Headers targeted to "next" will always be included, and those targeted to "none" (for SOAP 1.2) will never be included.

        This version of the API allows us to iterate only once over the headers searching for a particular namespace for headers targeted at "us".

        rolePlayer - the RolePlayer object specifying the role configuration
        namespace - if specified, we'll only return headers from this namespace
        an iterator over all the SOAPHeaderBlock objects the RolePlayer should process