Interface SOAPVersion

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    SOAP11Version, SOAP12Version

    public interface SOAPVersion
    A generic way to get at SOAP-version-specific values. As long as we can get one of these from a SOAP element, we can get at the right
    • Method Detail

      • getEnvelopeURI

        String getEnvelopeURI()
        Obtain the envelope namespace for this version of SOAP
      • getEncodingURI

        String getEncodingURI()
        Obtain the encoding namespace for this version of SOAP
      • getRoleAttributeQName

        QName getRoleAttributeQName()
        Obtain the QName for the role attribute (actor/role)
      • getNextRoleURI

        String getNextRoleURI()
        Obtain the "next" role/actor URI
      • getMustUnderstandFaultCode

        QName getMustUnderstandFaultCode()
        Obtain the QName for the MustUnderstand fault code
      • getSenderFaultCode

        QName getSenderFaultCode()
        Obtain the QName for the Sender fault code
        Sender fault code as a QName
      • getReceiverFaultCode

        QName getReceiverFaultCode()
        Obtain the QName for the Receiver fault code.
        Receiver fault code as a QName
      • getFaultReasonQName

        QName getFaultReasonQName()
        Obtain the QName for the fault reason element.
        the QName for the fault reason element
      • getFaultCodeQName

        QName getFaultCodeQName()
        Obtain the QName for the fault code element.
        the QName for the fault code element
      • getFaultDetailQName

        QName getFaultDetailQName()
        Obtain the QName for the fault detail element.
        the QName for the fault detail element
      • getFaultRoleQName

        QName getFaultRoleQName()
        Obtain the QName for the fault role/actor element.
        the QName for the fault role/actor element
      • getMediaType

        MediaType getMediaType()
        Obtain the media type for this version of SOAP.
        the media type