
This package contains classes for serializing XML to an instance of Writer, much like the package.


Interface Summary
XMLWriter A simple serializer for XML documents, which is writing to an instance of Writer.

Class Summary
CharSetXMLWriter An improved version of XMLWriterImpl, using theCharset from Java 1.4.
DOMBuilder Converts a stream of SAX events into a DOM node.
DOMSerializer Serializes a DOM node into a stream of SAX events.
OrderedAttributeXMLWriter A subclass of XMLWriterImpl, which writes the attributes ordered alphabetically.
PassThroughXMLWriter A subclass of XMLWriterImpl, which is escaping nothing.
XMLWriterImpl Default implementation of XMLWriter.

Package Description

This package contains classes for serializing XML to an instance of Writer, much like the package. The main differences are, that the serializer classes depend on JAXP 1.1 only (as opposed to JAXP 1.2, which introduced the javax.xml.transform package) and that they allow a more granular handling of namespaces.

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