
This package contains some utility classes, which aren't worth a separate package.


Class Summary
Base64 Performs Base64 encoding and/or decoding.
Base64.Decoder An encoder is an object, which is able to decode char arrays in blocks of four bytes.
Base64.Encoder An encoder is an object, which is able to encode byte array in blocks of three bytes.
Base64.EncoderOutputStream An OutputStream, which is writing to the given Base64.Encoder.
Base64.SAXEncoder An Base64.Encoder, which is writing to a SAX content handler.
NamespaceContextImpl Default implementation of NamespaceContext.
XsDateFormat An instance of Format, which may be used to parse and format xs:date values.
XsDateTimeFormat An instance of Format, which may be used to parse and format xs:dateTime values.
XsTimeFormat An instance of Format, which may be used to parse and format xs:time values.

Exception Summary
Base64.DecodingException An exception of this type is thrown, if the decoded character stream contains invalid input.
Base64.SAXIOException An exception of this type is thrown by the Base64.SAXEncoder, if writing to the target handler causes a SAX exception.

Package Description

This package contains some utility classes, which aren't worth a separate package.

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