Class OMAbstractFactory


public class OMAbstractFactory extends Object
Provides instances for object model and meta factories.

The getMetaFactory() method returns the OMMetaFactory instance for the default Axiom implementation. The getMetaFactory(String) method locates a OMMetaFactory instance for an Axiom implementation with a given feature. The following features are predefined by the Axiom API:

Identifies the default Axiom implementation. An implementation with that feature is expected to provide a full implementation of the Axiom API.
Used by Axiom implementations that implement DOM in addition to the Axiom API.
Implementations may define other custom features.

Axiom discovers implementations by looking for META-INF/axiom.xml resources. They specify the OMMetaFactory implementation as well as the set of features that each implementation supports. If multiple implementations with the same feature are found, then Axiom will select the one with the highest priority. The priority for a given feature is also declared in META-INF/axiom.xml. This algorithm is used both in non OSGi and OSGi environments.

In a non OSGi environment, the default Axiom implementation can be overridden using the system property specified by META_FACTORY_NAME_PROPERTY.

The getOMFactory(), getSOAP11Factory() and getSOAP12Factory() methods return default instances for plain XML, SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 object model factories. They are convenience methods calling getMetaFactory() and then delegating to the returned OMMetaFactory.

Note that while getMetaFactory() always returns the same instance, the other methods may return new instances on every invocation, depending on the OMMetaFactory implementation.

  • Field Details


      public static final String META_FACTORY_NAME_PROPERTY
      The name of the system property that allows to override the default Axiom implementation. The value must be the fully qualified name of a class implementing OMMetaFactory and that is visible to the class loader from which the axiom-api library is loaded. An instance of this class will be returned by getMetaFactory().

      Note that this system property is not supported in an OSGi environment.

      See Also:

      public static final String FEATURE_DEFAULT
      Feature for Axiom implementations that can be used as default implementations.
      See Also:

      public static final String FEATURE_DOM
      Feature for Axiom implementations that implement DOM in addition to the Axiom API. The OMMetaFactory for such an Axiom implementation must implement DOMMetaFactory. See the documentation of DOMMetaFactory for more information about the requirements and constraints that apply to Axiom implementations that support this feature.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setMetaFactoryLocator

      public static void setMetaFactoryLocator(OMMetaFactoryLocator locator)
      Explicitly set a meta factory locator. The new locator will be used by all subsequent calls to getMetaFactory() and getMetaFactory(String) to locate the appropriate meta factory. Note that the meta factory locator is an application wide setting. More precisely, the configured locator will be used by all classes loaded from the class loader where Axiom is deployed and all its child class loaders. Therefore this method should be used with care and only be invoked during the initialization of the application.

      When Axiom is deployed as a bundle in an OSGi environment, this method will be used to inject the meta factory instances from the deployed implementation bundles.

      locator - the new meta factory locator, or null to revert to the default meta factory locator
    • getMetaFactory

      public static OMMetaFactory getMetaFactory()
      Get the meta factory instance for the default Axiom implementation. This method is equivalent to getMetaFactory(String) with FEATURE_DEFAULT as parameter.
      the meta factory instance for the default Axiom implementation
      OMException - if no Axiom implementation with FEATURE_DEFAULT could be located
    • getMetaFactory

      public static OMMetaFactory getMetaFactory(String feature)
      Get the meta factory instance for the Axiom implementation with a given feature. If multiple Axiom implementations declare the same feature, then the method will return the meta factory for the implementation that declares the highest priority for that feature in its META-INF/axiom.xml descriptor.
      feature - the requested feature
      the meta factory instance for the Axiom implementation with the given feature.
      OMException - if no Axiom implementation with the requested feature could be located
    • getOMFactory

      public static OMFactory getOMFactory()
      Get the default OM factory instance. This method has the same effect as calling OMMetaFactory.getOMFactory() on the OMMetaFactory instance returned by getMetaFactory().
      the default OM factory instance
      OMException - if the factory's implementation class can't be found or if the class can't be instantiated
    • getSOAP11Factory

      public static SOAPFactory getSOAP11Factory()
      Get the default SOAP 1.1 OM factory instance. This method has the same effect as calling OMMetaFactory.getSOAP11Factory() on the OMMetaFactory instance returned by getMetaFactory().
      the default SOAP 1.1 OM factory instance
      OMException - if the factory's implementation class can't be found or if the class can't be instantiated
    • getSOAP12Factory

      public static SOAPFactory getSOAP12Factory()
      Get the default SOAP 1.2 OM factory instance. This method has the same effect as calling OMMetaFactory.getSOAP12Factory() on the OMMetaFactory instance returned by getMetaFactory().
      the default SOAP 1.2 OM factory instance
      OMException - if the factory's implementation class can't be found or if the class can't be instantiated