Interface OMFactory

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface OMFactory
    Class OMFactory
    • Method Detail

      • createOMDocument

        OMDocument createOMDocument()
        Creates a new OMDocument.
      • createOMElement

        OMElement createOMElement​(String localName,
                                  OMNamespace ns)
        Create an element with the given name. If a namespace is given, a namespace declaration will be added automatically to the newly created element.
        localName - the local part of the name; must not be null
        ns - the namespace, or null if the element has no namespace
        the newly created element
        IllegalArgumentException - if an attempt is made to create a prefixed element with an empty namespace name
      • createOMElement

        OMElement createOMElement​(String localName,
                                  OMNamespace ns,
                                  OMContainer parent)
                           throws OMException
        Create an element with the given name and parent. If the specified OMNamespace has a namespace URI but a null prefix, the method will reuse an existing prefix if a namespace declaration with a matching namespace URI is in scope on the parent or generate a new prefix if no such namespace declaration exists.

        If a new prefix is generated or if the specified prefix and namespace URI are not bound in the scope of the parent element, the method will add an appropriate namespace declaration to the new element. Note that this may also occur if null is passed as OMNamespace parameter. In that case, if there is a default namespace declaration with a non empty namespace URI in the scope of the parent element, a namespace declaration needs to be added to the newly created element to override the default namespace.

        localName -
        ns -
        parent - the parent to which the newly created element will be added; this may be null, in which case the behavior of the method is the same as createOMElement(String, OMNamespace)
        the newly created element
        IllegalArgumentException - if an attempt is made to create a prefixed element with an empty namespace name
      • createOMElement

        OMSourcedElement createOMElement​(OMDataSource source)
        Create a sourced element. If the data source implements QNameAwareOMDataSource then the returned OMSourcedElement will use the information provided through this interface to determine the local name, namespace URI and namespace prefix. For information that is not available (either because the data source doesn't implement QNameAwareOMDataSource or because some of the methods defined by that interface return null) the element will be expanded to determine the missing information. This is done lazily, i.e. only when the information is really required. E.g. this will not occur during serialization of the element.

        This is an optional operation which may not be supported by all factories.

        source - the data source; must not be null
        the newly created element
        IllegalArgumentException - if source is null
      • createOMElement

        OMSourcedElement createOMElement​(OMDataSource source,
                                         String localName,
                                         OMNamespace ns)
        Create a sourced element with a known local name and namespace URI. If the namespace prefix is known in advance, then the caller should specify it in the provided OMNamespace object. The caller may pass an OMNamespace instance with a null prefix. This indicates that the prefix is unknown and will be determined lazily by expanding the element.

        Note that if the provided data source implements QNameAwareOMDataSource, then the information returned by QNameAwareOMDataSource.getPrefix() may be used to determine the prefix. However, this is an unusual use case.

        Also note that if the specified namespace URI is empty, then the element can't have a prefix and it is not necessary to expand the element to determine its prefix.

        This is an optional operation which may not be supported by all factories.

        source - the data source; must not be null
        localName - the local part of the name of the element produced by the data source; must not be null
        ns - the namespace of the element produced by the data source, or null if the element has no namespace
        the newly created element
        IllegalArgumentException - if source is null
      • createOMElement

        OMSourcedElement createOMElement​(OMDataSource source,
                                         QName qname)
        Create a sourced element with a known local name, namespace URI and namespace prefix.

        This is an optional operation which may not be supported by all factories.

        source - the data source; must not be null
        qname - the name of the element produced by the data source; must not be null
        the newly created element
        IllegalArgumentException - if source is null
      • createOMElement

        OMElement createOMElement​(String localName,
                                  String namespaceURI,
                                  String prefix)
        Create an element with the given name. If a namespace is given, a namespace declaration will be added automatically to the newly created element.
        localName - the local part of the name; must not be null
        namespaceURI - the namespace URI, or the empty string if the element has no namespace; must not be null
        prefix - the namespace prefix, or null if a prefix should be generated
        the newly created OMElement.
        IllegalArgumentException - if namespaceURI is null or if an attempt is made to create a prefixed element with an empty namespace name
      • createOMElement

        OMElement createOMElement​(QName qname,
                                  OMContainer parent)
        Create an element with the given QName and parent. If a namespace URI is given but no prefix, the method will use an appropriate prefix if a corresponding namespace declaration is in scope on the parent or generate a new prefix if no corresponding namespace declaration is in scope. If a new prefix is generated or if the specified prefix and namespace URI are not bound in the scope of the parent element, the method will add an appropriate namespace declaration to the new element.
        qname - the QName defining the name of the element to be created
        parent - the parent to which the newly created element will be added; this may be null, in which case the behavior of the method is the same as createOMElement(QName)
        the new element
        IllegalArgumentException - if an attempt is made to create a prefixed element with an empty namespace name
      • createOMElement

        OMElement createOMElement​(QName qname)
        Create an element with the given QName. If a namespace URI is given but no prefix, the method will automatically generate a prefix for the element. If a namespace URI is given, the method will also add a namespace declaration to the element, binding the auto-generated prefix or the prefix given in the QName to the given namespace URI. If neither a namespace URI nor a prefix is given, no namespace declaration will be added.
        qname - the QName defining the name of the element to be created
        the new element
        IllegalArgumentException - if an attempt is made to create a prefixed element with an empty namespace name
      • createOMText

        OMText createOMText​(OMContainer parent,
                            String text)
        Creates a new OMText node with the given value and appends it to the given parent element.
        parent - the parent to which the newly created text node will be added; this may be null, in which case the behavior of the method is the same as createOMText(String)
        text -
        Returns OMText.
      • createOMText

        OMText createOMText​(OMContainer parent,
                            OMText source)
        Create OMText node that is a copy of the source text node
        parent -
        source -
      • createOMText

        OMText createOMText​(OMContainer parent,
                            char[] charArary,
                            int type)
      • createOMText

        OMText createOMText​(OMContainer parent,
                            QName text,
                            int type)
        Creating a text node containing a QName and having a type other than OMNode.TEXT_NODE is not meaningful.
      • createOMText

        OMText createOMText​(String s)
        s -
        Returns OMText.
      • createOMText

        OMText createOMText​(String contentID,
                            DataHandlerProvider dataHandlerProvider,
                            boolean optimize)
        Create a binary OMText node supporting deferred loading of the content.
        contentID - the content ID identifying the binary content; may be null
        dataHandlerProvider - used to load the DataHandler when requested from the returned OMText node
        optimize - determines whether the binary content should be optimized
      • createOMAttribute

        OMAttribute createOMAttribute​(String localName,
                                      OMNamespace ns,
                                      String value)
        Create an attribute with the given name and value. If the provided OMNamespace object has a null prefix, then a prefix will be generated, except if the namespace URI is the empty string, in which case the result is the same as if a null OMNamespace was given.
        localName -
        ns -
        value -
        the newly created attribute
        IllegalArgumentException - if an attempt is made to create a prefixed attribute with an empty namespace name or an unprefixed attribute with a namespace
      • createOMDocType

        OMDocType createOMDocType​(OMContainer parent,
                                  String rootName,
                                  String publicId,
                                  String systemId,
                                  String internalSubset)
        Creates DTD (DOCTYPE declaration) node.
        parent - the parent to which the newly created text node will be added; this may be null
        rootName - the root name, i.e. the name immediately following the DOCTYPE keyword
        publicId - the public ID of the external subset, or null if there is no external subset or no public ID has been specified for the external subset
        systemId - the system ID of the external subset, or null if there is no external subset
        internalSubset - the internal subset, or null if there is none
        the newly created OMDocType node
      • createOMProcessingInstruction

        OMProcessingInstruction createOMProcessingInstruction​(OMContainer parent,
                                                              String piTarget,
                                                              String piData)
        Creates a PI.
        parent -
        piTarget -
        piData -
        Returns OMProcessingInstruction.
      • createOMComment

        OMComment createOMComment​(OMContainer parent,
                                  String content)
        Creates a comment.
        parent -
        content -
        Returns OMComment.
      • createOMEntityReference

        OMEntityReference createOMEntityReference​(OMContainer parent,
                                                  String name)
        Create an entity reference.
        parent - the parent to which the newly created entity reference node will be added; this may be null
        name - the name of the entity
        the newly created OMEntityReference node
      • importInformationItem

        OMInformationItem importInformationItem​(OMInformationItem informationItem)
        Create a copy of the given information item using this factory. This method can be used to import information items created by other Axiom implementations. A copy will be created even if the original information item was created by this factory. Both OMSourcedElement instances and model specific elements are always copied to plain OMElement instances.
        informationItem - the information item to copy
        the imported information item