Interface OMNamespace

  • public interface OMNamespace
    A namespace binding specifying a namespace prefix and a namespace URI.

    Implementations of this interface must be immutable or behave as if they were immutable, i.e. getPrefix() and getNamespaceURI() must always return the same values when invoked on the same instance.

    Implementations must override Object.equals(Object) and Object.hashCode(). Two OMNamespace instances are considered equal if their namespace URIs and prefixes are equal.

    • Method Detail

      • equals

        boolean equals​(String uri,
                       String prefix)
        Method equals.
        uri -
        prefix -
        Returns boolean.
      • getPrefix

        String getPrefix()
        Get the namespace prefix. This method may return null for instances returned by OMFactory.createOMNamespace(String, String). This indicates that Axiom should generate a namespace prefix when this instance is passed to one of the factory methods in OMFactory. In all other cases the return value is not null. In particular, an empty string indicates that no prefix is used, i.e. that the namespace is used as default namespace.
        the namespace prefix
      • getName

        String getName()
        This method is deprecated. Please use getNamespaceURI() method instead.
        Method getName.
        Returns String.
      • getNamespaceURI

        String getNamespaceURI()
        Get the namespace URI. This method never returns null. It may return an empty string if this instance represents a namespace declaration of type xmlns="". This may be the case for instances returned by OMElement.getAllDeclaredNamespaces(). On the other hand, methods such as OMNamedInformationItem.getNamespace() will return null for information items that have no namespace. In that case the returned string is never empty.
        the namespace URI