Apache Axiom 1.2.13 Release Note

Axiom 1.2.13 contains fixes for over thirty JIRA issues as well as lots of other improvements, mainly related to XOP/MTOM processing, namespace handling, DOM support, documentation and code quality.

The most prominent change in 1.2.13 is that Axiom no longer uses its own MIME parser, but instead relies on Apache James Mime4J for XOP/MTOM processing. This was done in order to support streaming of the content of MIME parts in XOP/MTOM messages: they can now be processed without writing them to memory or disk first. This also applies to the root/SOAP part, which in previous versions was always read into memory before parsing could start. For more information, see below.

Changes in this release

Handling of illegal namespace declarations

Both XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 forbid binding a namespace prefix to the empty namespace name. Only the default namespace can have an empty namespace name. In XML 1.0, prefixed namespace bindings may not be empty, as explained in section 5 of the Namespaces in XML 1.0 specification:

In a namespace declaration for a prefix (i.e., where the NSAttName is a PrefixedAttName), the attribute value MUST NOT be empty.

In Axiom 1.2.12, the declareNamespace methods in OMElement didn't enforce this constraint and namespace declarations violating this requirement were silently dropped during serialization. This behavior is problematic because it may result in subtle issues such as unbound namespace prefixes. In Axiom 1.2.13 these methods have been changed so that they throw an exception if an attempt is made to bind the empty namespace name to a prefix.

In XML 1.1, prefixed namespace bindings may be empty, but rather than binding the empty namespace name to a prefix, such a namespace declaration “undeclares” the prefix, as explained in section 5 of the Namespaces in XML 1.1 specification:

The namespace prefix, unless it is xml or xmlns, must have been declared in a namespace declaration attribute in either the start-tag of the element where the prefix is used or in an ancestor element (i.e. an element in whose content the prefixed markup occurs). Furthermore, the attribute value in the innermost such declaration must not be an empty string.

Although the same syntax is used in both cases, adding a namespace declaration to bind a prefix to a (non empty) namespace URI and adding a namespace declaration to undeclare a prefix are two fundamentally different operations from the point of view of the application. Therefore, to support prefix undeclaring for XML 1.1 infosets, a new method undeclarePrefix has been added to OMElement in Axiom 1.2.13.

As a corollary of the above, neither XML 1.0 nor XML 1.1 allows creating prefixed elements or attributes with an empty namespace name. In Axiom 1.2.12, when attempting to create such invalid information items, the behavior was inconsistent: in some cases, the prefix was silently dropped, in other cases the invalid information item was actually created, resulting in problems during serialization. Axiom 1.2.13 consistently throws an exception when an attempt is made to create such an invalid information item.

OMNamespace normalization

Methods that return an OMNamespace object may in principle use two different ways to represent the absence of a namespace: as a null value or as an OMNamespace instance that has both prefix and namespaceURI properties set to the empty string. This applies in particular to OMElement#getNamespace(), OMElement#getDefaultNamespace() and OMAttriute#getNamespace(). The API of Axiom 1.2.12 didn't clearly specify which representation was used, although in most cases a null value was used. As a consequence application code had to take into account the possibility that such methods returned OMNamespace instances with an empty prefix and namespace URI.

In Axiom 1.2.13 the situation has been clarified and the aforementioned APIs now always return null to indicate the absence of a namespace. Note that this may have an impact on flawed application code that doesn't handle null in the same way as an OMNamespace instance with an empty prefix and namespace URI. Such application code needs to be fixed to work correctly with Axiom 1.2.13.

New abstract APIs

Axiom 1.2.13 introduces a couple of new abstract APIs which give implementations of the Axiom API the freedom to do additional optimizations. Application code should be migrated to take advantage of these new APIs:

  • Instead of instantiating an OMSource object directly, OMContainer#getSAXSource(boolean) should be used.

  • org.apache.axiom.om.impl.dom.DOOMAbstractFactory has been deprecated because it ties application code that requires an object model factory supporting DOM to a particular Axiom implementation (DOOM). Instead use OMAbstractFactory.getMetaFactory(String) with OMAbstractFactory.FEATURE_DOM as parameter value to get a meta factory for an Axiom implementation that supports DOM.

  • The DocumentBuilderFactory implementation provided by DOOM should no longer be instantiated directly. Instead, application code should request a meta factory for DOM (see previous item), cast it to DOMMetaFactory and invoke newDocumentBuilderFactory via that interface.

The last two changes imply that axiom-dom should no longer be used as a compile time dependency, but only as a runtime dependency.

Also note that some of the superseded APIs may disappear in Axiom 1.3.

Usage of Apache James Mime4J as MIME parser

Starting with version 1.2.13, Axiom uses Apache James Mime4J as MIME parser implementation instead of its own custom parser implementation. The public API as defined by the Attachments class remains unchanged, with the following exceptions:

  • The getIncomingAttachmentsAsSingleStream method is no longer supported.

  • The fileThreshold specified during the construction of the Attachments object is now interpreted relative to the size of the decoded content of the attachment instead of the size of the encoded content. Note that this only makes a difference if the attachment has a content transfer encoding other than binary.

Several internal classes related to the old MIME parsing code have been removed, are no longer public or have been changed in an incompatible way:

  • MIMEBodyPartInputStream
  • BoundaryDelimitedStream
  • BoundaryPushbackInputStream
  • MultipartAttachmentStreams
  • PartFactory and related classes

Although these classes were public, they are not considered part of the public API. Application code that depends on these classes needs to be rewritten before upgrading to Axiom 1.2.13.

When upgrading to 1.2.13, projects that use Axiom's XOP/MTOM features must make sure that Apache James Mime4J is added to the dependencies. For projects that use Maven (or tools that support Maven repositories and metadata) this happens automatically. Projects that use other build tools must explicity add the apache-mime4j-core library to the list of dependencies.

Axiom uses Mime4J in strict mode. This means that some non conforming MIME messages that would have been processed successfully by previous Axiom versions may be rejected by Axiom 1.2.13. Please note that Axiom doesn't make any guarantees about its ability to process invalid messages.

Support for MIME part streaming

Axiom 1.2.13 has support for MIME part streaming. Pre-existing APIs continue to work as documented, but there are some minor changes in behavior that may be visible to code that makes assumptions that are not covered by the API contract:

  • The DataHandler instances returned by Attachments for MIME parts read from a stream now always implement DataHandlerExt, while in 1.2.12 this was only the case for parts buffered using temporary files. For memory buffered MIME parts, a call to purgeDataSource has the effect of releasing the allocated memory.