Apache Axiom 1.3.0 Release Note

Changes in this release

  • Axiom now requires at least Java 7:

    • Explicit dependencies on APIs that were not part of the JRE in Java 5 (Activation, StAX and JAXB) have been removed.
    • The public API now uses generics. Note that this should in general not have impact on binary compatibility with Axiom 1.2.x.
  • In Axiom 1.2.x several APIs were using Object as argument/return type although they expect/return a DataHandler. This is a legacy of Axis 1.x where the Activation API was an optional dependency. This no longer makes sense:

    • In Java 6, the Activation API is part of the JRE.
    • It is unlikely that Axiom actually works if the Activation API is not available: there is nothing in the build that enforces or tests that, and there are no known downstream projects that use Axiom without also depending on the Activation API.

    In Axiom 1.3.0, the following APIs have been changed to use DataHandler instead of Object:

    • OMText.getDataHandler()
    • OMFactory.createOMText(Object, boolean)

    Bridge methods have been added to ensure binary compatibility with Axiom 1.2.x.

  • By default, parsers created by Axiom are now non coalescing and have CDATA section reporting enabled.

  • The builder implementations and related classes have been removed from the org.apache.axiom.om.impl.builder and org.apache.axiom.soap.impl.builder packages. This includes the StAXBuilder, StAXOMBuilder, XOPAwareStAXOMBuilder, StAXSOAPModelBuilder and MTOMStAXSOAPModelBuilder classes.

    This change was necessary to enable a refactoring and complete overhaul of the builders.

    As explained in the Axiom 1.2.11 release notes, application code should use the OMXMLBuilderFactory API to create builders. Code written for Axiom 1.2.x that uses that API remains compatible with Axiom 1.3.x.

  • The detach method no longer causes the node to be built. This change was made possible by the new builder design.

  • Several methods have been removed from the OMXMLParserWrapper interface. This includes formerly deprecated methods as well as methods that would allow manipulation of the state of the underlying parser.

  • The BuilderAwareReader API introduced by AXIOM-268 has been removed without replacement. There are multiple reasons for this:

    • The only method defined by the BuilderAwareReader interface has a parameter of type StAXBuilder, but that class has been removed from the public API (see above). The parameter type would have to be changed to OMXMLParserWrapper.
    • If the interface is considered a public API, then it is placed in the wrong package (org.apache.axiom.om.impl.builder).
    • There are no known usages of that API.
    • The API is merely a convenience, but doesn't provide any additional feature: since a builder only starts consuming the XMLStreamReader on demand, a reference to the builder can be injected into the custom “builder aware” reader after the builder has been created.
  • Some (most? all?) of the classes in axiom-compat have been removed.

  • Support for the SOAPConstants.SOAPBODY_FIRST_CHILD_ELEMENT_QNAME property introduced by AXIOM-282 has been retired.

  • The legacy behavior for getChildrenWithName implemented by AXIOM-11 is no longer supported. In Axiom 1.3.0 the QName matching is always strict.
  • The legacy behavior for declareNamesapce (where an empty prefix is interpreted in the same way as a null value) is no longer supported. See AXIOM-375.

  • Elements no longer store line number information, and the corresponding methods on the OMElement interface have been deprecated.

  • The CustomBuilder and CustomBuilderSupport interfaces have changed in an incompatible way. Note that this API was designed to enable some very specific optimizations in Axis2, so that this change should have limited impact.

    In addition to the interface changes, the API no longer gives access to the raw XMLStreamReader returned by the StAX implementation. That feature was originally introduced to allow negotiation of additional optimizations between proprietary StAX and JAXB implementations from a particular vendor. That feature is no longer necessary and has been removed to allow a simplification of the builder design.

  • In Axiom 1.2.x, StAXUtils by default kept per class loader maps of XMLInputFactory and XMLOutputFactory instances (where the key was the thread context class loader). These maps were implemented as WeakHashMap<ClassLoader,XMLInputFactory> and WeakHashMap<ClassLoader,XMLOutputFactory>. The problem with this approach is that it may cause a class loader leak if the XMLInputFactory or XMLOutputFactory instance has a strong reference to the ClassLoader used as key. That case occurs in two scenarios:

    1. A StAX implementation is loaded by a class loader that is neither the class loader that loads StAXUtils nor one of its parent class loaders, and that class loader is set as the context class loader when StAXUtils is used. Note that this is basically the use case for which the per class loader maps were originally designed.
    2. For whatever reason, the XMLInputFactory/XMLOutputFactory instance keeps a strong reference to the thread context class loader set when the instance was created. In that scenario, if StAXUtils is used with a thread context class loader that is set to any class loader other than the one that loaded StAXUtils or one of its parents, then StAXUtils will prevent that class loader from being garbage collected. This type of behavior has been reported for the default StAX implementation in the Oracle JRE; Woodstox is probably not affected.

    The scenario for which the per class loader feature was designed is probably very rare. As shown above, that scenario is always prone to class loader leaks. Therefore this feature has been removed without replacement in Axiom 1.3.0, and StAXUtils now always loads the StAX implementation visible to its own class loader. Note that this mode was already supported in Axiom 1.2.x, but it was not the default.

  • The getNodeValue and setNodeValue methods have been removed from the SOAPFaultNode interface because they conflict with methods defined by DOM's Node interface. Note that these methods were already deprecated in Axiom 1.2.x, with alternative methods being available.

  • The SOAPFaultCode implementations for SOAP 1.2 no longer override the getTextAsQName method (which was an undocumented feature used by Axis2). Use the getValueAsQName to retrieve the fault code value in a version independent manner.

  • In Axiom 1.2.x the SOAPMessage and SOAPEnvelope implementations had special serialization logic, causing the serialization of a SOAPEnvelope to emit an XML declaration by default and the serialization of a SOAPMessage to skip all content in the prolog and epilog. This behavior was completely undocumented and violates basic object oriented design principles: although SOAPMessage is an OMDocument and SOAPEnvelope is an OMElement, they didn't behave in the same way as OMDocument and OMElement when it comes to serialization. This in turn led to an awkward design. This special serialization logic has been removed in Axiom 1.3 and SOAPMessage and SOAPEnvelope now have the same behavior as any other OMDocument and OMElement. The main implication is that the serialization of a SOAPEnvelope no longer generates an XML declaration. This change also fixes AXIOM-474.

  • In Axiom 1.3.0, the getBuilder method always returns null for document and elements that are (locally) complete, i.e. for which the end event has been processed. That means that after completion, nodes created by a builder will be indistinguishable from programmatically created nodes.

  • The OMXMLStreamReader interface has been removed because all if its usages were already deprecated in 1.2.x.

  • Support for the legacy XMLStreamReader extension for optimized base64 handling has been removed. The only supported mechanism in Axiom 1.3.x is defined by the DataHandlerReader API.

  • The MimePartProvider interface has been moved to org.apache.axiom.mime.

  • The MTOMXMLStreamWriter class is now abstract. It is not meant to be instantiated by code outside of Axiom; the Javadoc of the OMDataSource interface describes the only supported interactions with the MTOMXMLStreamWriter API.

  • The XMLStreamWriterFilter API and the support for it in OMOutputFormat and MTOMXMLStreamWriter have been removed. There are multiple reasons for this:

    • Since MTOMXMLStreamWriter is now an abstract class, it is possible to create MTOMXMLStreamWriter wrappers to achieve essentially the same result as installing an XMLStreamWriterFilter on an MTOMXMLStreamWriter.

    • The API violated the API layering because XMLStreamWriterFilter was part of a utility package (org.apache.axiom.om.util), but used in the interface of a core API, namely org.apache.axiom.om.OMOutputFormat.

    • An XMLStreamWriterFilter specified using OMOutputFormat was applied only when serializing to an OutputStream, but not to a Writer or XMLStreamWriter.

    • The implementation had insufficient test coverage. In particular, the setFilter and removeFilter methods in MTOMXMLStreamWriter had no coverage at all.

    • Since the same XMLStreamWriterFilter instance can't be used concurrently, the presence of a property of that type in OMOutputFormat makes that class thread unsafe.

  • The axiom-c14n artifact has been removed without replacement. Use DOOM together with Apache Santuario instead.